Tuesday 27 December 2011

Skin nutrition

My beautiful friend and client "V"surprised me with a very special and thoughtful Christmas present.  I thought it would be a great opportunity to discuss the importance of a skincare routine.

Or in my case, a complete lack of one.  We all worry about our image and a very important part of this is how our skin looks and feels.  I would always start by saying that our diet plays a huge role in this.  Ensuring we are eating lots of fruit and vegetables that contain lots of vitamins and minerals that perform an antioxidant function.

Drinking adequate water also flushes toxins through your system and hydrates cells carrying essential nutrients to every part of your body.  These two I follow, but its not just that.  It's all a balance.  Having a  daily skincare routine is also part of that balance.  I have always focused on exercise and nutrition but have not really focused much on the other factors, which looking at it now, quite surprises me.  To quote "V", no good having a hot body and wrinkly skin.  Point taken!!

"V" has amazing skin and has always advised me of the importance of the skin care ritual (especially that of the hands and the hand cream ...hands show the first signs of ageing) I now have a hand cream on my bedside table and apply every night...I believe its making a difference.

So as you can see in my pic, skincare by Dr Nicholas Perricone, ironically - skin nutrition.  It was meant to be.  Powerful superfood ingredients for beautiful skin.  I've been very spoilt.  I have been using it now for 2 days and i can honestly say my skin feels better for it, and much softer.  Im even applying an eye cream...wow!!

So one of my new years resolutions is to stick to a skincare routine and "V" has started me off the blocks with it.  Thank you!!

We're not getting any younger...(I'm having another birthday soon!) so an all round balance of healthy nutrition for body, skin, and mind is a must.

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