Friday 27 January 2012

Paleo Diet

The paleo diet (paleolithic or caveman) diet has been around for a rather long time.  I was recently introduced to this way of eating so thought I would share.

The Paleo way of eating consists of primal foods - meat, fish, poultry, vegetables, fruit, nuts and seeds.  It eliminates all processed foods, sugars, breads, rice, pasta, dairy, foods that are difficult to digest (in my case, dairy).

The paleo lifestyle is based on the premise that "if the cavemen didn't eat it, we shouldn't".  The paleo foods are nutrient dense, as close to their natural state as possible.  It is not based on low calorie eating but consuming of fresh, natural foods, foods that could be hunted and gathered by our ancestors when packaged and processed foods were not available.

There are extremes with everything, and the paleo lifestyle can be quite extreme, but if you want to experiment with a fresh, healthy eating lifestyle try giving a modified version a go.  It is a great way of maintaining healthy metabolism and reducing inflammation in the body.

I'll be posting some Paleo recipes in the near future so I'll love to know how you go with them..

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